表达式归一化和 Traversable, Generics
2016-06-02上回说到,我们可以使用 Free Monad 做表达式的归一化。既然这样,脑洞过大的 dramforever 很自然地想到,我们能不能把用于生成 Monad 的 Functor 也泛化呢?答案显然是可以的,否则就不会有这篇 blog 了……
其定义为, 注意到一个列表的结构就是它的长度。另外,注意到这个不像 这是原版的 很不幸的是,我们的新的 这样考虑:两个 Functor 首先先要结构匹配才能归一化。如果结构匹配的话,就需要把每个对应位置的变量归一化。比如
就需要分别归一化 这才想到,要对一个结构里对应位置的每对变量进行归一化(代码中加粗部分),需要这个结构支持 调查一下,你觉得你想自己写 实现 Generics,需要我们来对事先提供的一些 Functor 实现我们的 (如果你要自己写的话,给点建议:可以尝试观察出这个 Functor 与自己之前见过的哪个 Functor 类似,而不是进入各种 Generics 具体实现的奇葩弯路。)
然后,给 这样要给 就可以享受 Generics 了。等等,What? 还得给列表加 instance?不慌:
dramforever 实在懒到一定程度了,需要你的帮助!
可匹配结构的 Functor
class ExactZip f where
exactZip :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
exactZip u v
,若两个参数结构匹配(不管里面具体存的值),就返回一个结构对应位置的两个值被 zip 到一起,否则返回 Nothing
> exactZip "hello" "world"
Just [('h','w'),('e','o'),('l','r'),('l','l'),('o','d')]
> exactZip "hello" "dram"
实现的 unify
unify :: (MonadError UnificationError m, MonadUFS m) => Var -> Var -> m ()
unify u1 v1 = do
(xu, eu) <- find u1
(xv, ev) <- find v1
when (xu /= xv) $ case (eu, ev) of
(Nothing, _) -> ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
(Just _, Nothing) -> ufsMap . at xv .= Just (Parent xu)
(Just p, Just q) -> go p q where
go (Atom x) (Atom y)
| getIdentifier x == getIdentifier y = pure ()
| otherwise = throwError (AtomMismatch x y)
go (Atom x) (Cons y ys) = throwError (AtomNotCons x y ys)
go m@Cons{} n@Atom{} = go n m
go m@(Cons x xs) n@(Cons y ys)
| length xs == length ys = do
unify x y
zipWithM_ unify xs ys
ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
| otherwise = throwError (ConsLengthMismatch m n)
无法再提供失配的具体信息,所以我们不妨换成 Alternative
。里面的 go
函数是依赖 ExprF
具体实现的重灾区,我们要消灭它。另外,储存的状态也依赖于 ExprF
#A[#B, #C]
#D[#E, #F]
#A = #D, #B = #E, #C = #F
。只需要遍历 exactZip
unify :: (Foldable f, ExactZip f, Alternative m, MonadUFS f m) => Var -> Var -> m ()
unify u1 v1 = do
(xu, eu) <- find u1
(xv, ev) <- find v1
when (xu /= xv) $ case (eu, ev) of
(Nothing, _) -> ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
(Just _, Nothing) -> ufsMap . at xv .= Just (Parent xu)
(Just p, Just q) -> case exactZip p q of
Nothing -> empty
Just ex -> do
for_ ex (uncurry unify)
ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
。不过这都不是事,因为 GHC 支持自动 deriving (Foldable)
和 report
的代码,因为本身就已经支持任意 Traversable
只要把 Except
换成 Maybe
Generics 上场
instance ExactZip ExprF
么?奇葩的 dramforever 表示,宁可写 Generics 也不手动写那个……
类型类。这些 Functor,我们不在这里深入讨论,有兴趣请参见文档:http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-。我们在这里给出一个比较不太明显的 instance(说白了就是我被卡了一段时间的),其余比较无聊,还是一样,请参见完整代码。
instance Eq c => ExactZip (K1 i c) where
exactZip (K1 a) (K1 b)
| a == b = Just (K1 a)
| otherwise = Nothing
大致相当于 Const
。这里两个值结构匹配,就是对应的值匹配,所以我们直接调用 Eq
class ExactZip f where
exactZip :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
default exactZip :: (Generic1 f, ExactZip (Rep1 f)) => f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
exactZip x y = to1 <$> exactZip (from1 x) (from1 y)
data ExprF a
= Atom Identifier
| Cons a [a]
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic1)
instance ExactZip ExprF
instance ExactZip []
实现 ExactZip
instance ExactZip []
加上失配信息,并用 GHC Generics 实现失配信息的自动生成
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
module Play
( ExactZip(..), MonadUFS, Var
, fresh, record, report, unify
, run
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Free
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Lens.Micro.GHC () -- Instances only
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable hiding (find)
import GHC.Generics
class ExactZip f where
exactZip :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
default exactZip :: (Generic1 f, ExactZip (Rep1 f)) => f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
exactZip x y = to1 <$> exactZip (from1 x) (from1 y)
instance ExactZip V1 where
exactZip _ _ = error "exactZip on void type?"
instance ExactZip U1 where
exactZip U1 U1 = Just U1
instance (ExactZip f, ExactZip g) => ExactZip (f :+: g) where
exactZip (L1 x) (L1 y) = L1 <$> exactZip x y
exactZip (R1 x) (R1 y) = R1 <$> exactZip x y
exactZip _ _ = Nothing
instance (ExactZip f, ExactZip g) => ExactZip (f :*: g) where
exactZip (x1 :*: y1) (x2 :*: y2)
= liftA2 (:*:) (exactZip x1 x2) (exactZip y1 y2)
instance Eq c => ExactZip (K1 i c) where
exactZip (K1 a) (K1 b)
| a == b = Just (K1 a)
| otherwise = Nothing
instance ExactZip f => ExactZip (M1 i c f) where
exactZip (M1 u) (M1 v) = M1 <$> exactZip u v
instance ExactZip Par1 where
exactZip (Par1 u) (Par1 v) = Just (Par1 (u, v))
instance ExactZip f => ExactZip (Rec1 f) where
exactZip (Rec1 u) (Rec1 v) = Rec1 <$> exactZip u v
instance ExactZip []
newtype Var
= Var T.Text
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Var where
show (Var v) = "#" ++ T.unpack v
data UnionFindPointer f
= Parent Var
| Linked (f Var)
data UnionFindState f
= UnionFindState
{ _ufsSupply :: [Var]
, _ufsMap :: M.Map Var (UnionFindPointer f)
ufsMap :: Lens' (UnionFindState f) (M.Map Var (UnionFindPointer f))
ufsMap f_aj0N (UnionFindState x_aj0O x_aj0P)
= fmap (\ y_aj0Q -> UnionFindState x_aj0O y_aj0Q) (f_aj0N x_aj0P)
{-# INLINE ufsMap #-}
ufsSupply :: Lens' (UnionFindState f) [Var]
ufsSupply f_aj0R (UnionFindState x_aj0S x_aj0T)
= fmap (\ y_aj0U -> UnionFindState y_aj0U x_aj0T) (f_aj0R x_aj0S)
{-# INLINE ufsSupply #-}
type MonadUFS f m = MonadState (UnionFindState f) m
fresh :: MonadUFS f m => m Var
fresh = do
ufsSupply %= tail
head <$> use ufsSupply
find :: MonadUFS f m => Var -> m (Var, Maybe (f Var))
find u = locateRoot u >>= \(x, e) -> (x, e) <$ compressPath u x where
locateRoot t =
use (ufsMap . at t) >>= \case
Just (Parent v) -> locateRoot v
Just (Linked ex) -> pure (t, Just ex)
Nothing -> pure (t, Nothing)
compressPath t x = go t where
go m
| m == x = pure ()
| otherwise = use (ufsMap . at m) >>= \case
Just (Parent par) -> do
ufsMap . at m .= Just (Parent x)
go par
_ -> error "Internal error: find: Can't happen!"
unify :: (Foldable f, ExactZip f, Alternative m, MonadUFS f m) => Var -> Var -> m ()
unify u1 v1 = do
(xu, eu) <- find u1
(xv, ev) <- find v1
when (xu /= xv) $ case (eu, ev) of
(Nothing, _) -> ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
(Just _, Nothing) -> ufsMap . at xv .= Just (Parent xu)
(Just p, Just q) -> case exactZip p q of
Nothing -> empty
Just ex -> do
for_ ex (uncurry unify)
ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
record :: (Traversable f, MonadUFS f m) => Free f Var -> m Var
record = iterA go where
go f = do
u <- sequence f
v <- fresh
ufsMap . at v .= Just (Linked u)
pure v
report :: (Traversable f, MonadUFS f m) => Var -> m (Free f Var)
report = unfoldM go where
go v = find v >>= \case
(u, Nothing) -> pure (Left u)
(_, Just t) -> pure (Right t)
run :: StateT (UnionFindState f) Maybe a
-> Maybe a
run s = evalStateT s (UnionFindState vars M.empty) where
vars =
let u = "" : liftA2 (flip (:)) u ['A'..'Z']
in map (Var . T.pack) u
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Expr where
import Data.String
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Control.Applicative
import Play
newtype Identifier
= Identifier { getIdentifier :: T.Text }
deriving (IsString, Eq)
instance Show Identifier where
show (Identifier u) = T.unpack u
data ExprF a
= Atom Identifier
| Cons a [a]
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic1)
instance ExactZip ExprF
type PartialExpr = Free ExprF Var
type UnionFindExpr = ExprF Var
printPartial :: PartialExpr -> String
printPartial = iter go . fmap show where
go (Atom d) = show d
go (Cons x xs) = x ++ "[" ++ intercalate "," xs ++ "]"
instance Show u => Show (ExprF u) where
show (Atom (Identifier u)) = T.unpack u
show (Cons x xs) = show x ++ "[" ++ intercalate "," (show <$> xs) ++ "]"
atom :: Identifier -> PartialExpr
atom = Free . Atom
cons :: PartialExpr -> [PartialExpr] -> PartialExpr
cons u v = Free (Cons u v)
instance IsString PartialExpr where
fromString = atom . fromString
a1, a2 :: MonadUFS f m => m PartialExpr
-- f[#A, u[#B], #C]
a1 = do
a <- fresh
b <- fresh
c <- fresh
pure $ cons "f" [pure a, cons "u" [pure b], pure c]
-- #D[#E, #F, #G[v]]
a2 = do
d <- fresh
e <- fresh
f <- fresh
g <- fresh
pure $ cons (pure d) [pure e, pure f, cons (pure g) ["v"]]
test :: (Alternative m, MonadUFS ExprF m) => m PartialExpr
test = do
e1 <- a1
e2 <- a2
x <- record e1
y <- record e2
unify x y
report x
-- ghci> let Right u = run (printPartial <$> test) in putStrLn u
-- f[#E,u[#B],#G[v]]
-- Note: The variable names are generated automatically. As you can see
-- the definitions of a1 and a2 do not specify names.