
a row of my life

表达式归一化和 Traversable, Generics


上回说到,我们可以使用 Free Monad 做表达式的归一化。既然这样,脑洞过大的 dramforever 很自然地想到,我们能不能把用于生成 Monad 的 Functor 也泛化呢?答案显然是可以的,否则就不会有这篇 blog 了……

可匹配结构的 Functor

class ExactZip f where
  exactZip :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))

其定义为,exactZip u v,若两个参数结构匹配(不管里面具体存的值),就返回一个结构对应位置的两个值被 zip 到一起,否则返回 Nothing。举例:

> exactZip "hello" "world"
Just [('h','w'),('e','o'),('l','r'),('l','l'),('o','d')]
> exactZip "hello" "dram"

注意到一个列表的结构就是它的长度。另外,注意到这个不像 zip,它不会砍掉较长的列表。

使用 ExactZip 实现的 unify 等函数

这是原版的 unify

unify :: (MonadError UnificationError m, MonadUFS m) => Var -> Var -> m ()
unify u1 v1 = do
  (xu, eu) <- find u1
  (xv, ev) <- find v1
  when (xu /= xv) $ case (eu, ev) of
    (Nothing, _) -> ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
    (Just _, Nothing) -> ufsMap . at xv .= Just (Parent xu)
    (Just p, Just q) -> go p q where
      go (Atom x) (Atom y)
        | getIdentifier x == getIdentifier y = pure ()
        | otherwise = throwError (AtomMismatch x y)
      go (Atom x) (Cons y ys) = throwError (AtomNotCons x y ys)
      go m@Cons{} n@Atom{} = go n m
      go m@(Cons x xs) n@(Cons y ys)
        | length xs == length ys = do
          unify x y
          zipWithM_ unify xs ys
          ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
        | otherwise = throwError (ConsLengthMismatch m n)

很不幸的是,我们的新的 ExactZip 无法再提供失配的具体信息,所以我们不妨换成 Alternative。里面的 go 函数是依赖 ExprF 具体实现的重灾区,我们要消灭它。另外,储存的状态也依赖于 ExprF,也得改掉,但是比较简单所以在此略去,有兴趣可以参见完整代码。

这样考虑:两个 Functor 首先先要结构匹配才能归一化。如果结构匹配的话,就需要把每个对应位置的变量归一化。比如

#A[#B, #C]
#D[#E, #F]

就需要分别归一化 #A = #D, #B = #E, #C = #F。只需要遍历 exactZip 后的结构就可以了。写出来也不难:

unify :: (Foldable f, ExactZip f, Alternative m, MonadUFS f m) => Var -> Var -> m ()
unify u1 v1 = do
  (xu, eu) <- find u1
  (xv, ev) <- find v1
  when (xu /= xv) $ case (eu, ev) of
    (Nothing, _) -> ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
    (Just _, Nothing) -> ufsMap . at xv .= Just (Parent xu)
    (Just p, Just q) -> case exactZip p q of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just ex -> do
        for_ ex (uncurry unify)
        ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)

这才想到,要对一个结构里对应位置的每对变量进行归一化(代码中加粗部分),需要这个结构支持 Foldable。不过这都不是事,因为 GHC 支持自动 deriving (Foldable)

recordreport 的代码,因为本身就已经支持任意 Traversable,改动很小。run 只要把 Except 换成 Maybe 就好了。

Generics 上场

调查一下,你觉得你想自己写 instance ExactZip ExprF 么?奇葩的 dramforever 表示,宁可写 Generics 也不手动写那个……

实现 Generics,需要我们来对事先提供的一些 Functor 实现我们的 ExactZip 类型类。这些 Functor,我们不在这里深入讨论,有兴趣请参见文档:http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-。我们在这里给出一个比较不太明显的 instance(说白了就是我被卡了一段时间的),其余比较无聊,还是一样,请参见完整代码。

(如果你要自己写的话,给点建议:可以尝试观察出这个 Functor 与自己之前见过的哪个 Functor 类似,而不是进入各种 Generics 具体实现的奇葩弯路。)

instance Eq c => ExactZip (K1 i c) where
  exactZip (K1 a) (K1 b)
    | a == b = Just (K1 a)
    | otherwise = Nothing

K1 大致相当于 Const。这里两个值结构匹配,就是对应的值匹配,所以我们直接调用 Eq

然后,给 ExactZip 加上一个默认方法:

class ExactZip f where
  exactZip :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
  default exactZip :: (Generic1 f, ExactZip (Rep1 f)) => f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
  exactZip x y = to1 <$> exactZip (from1 x) (from1 y)

这样要给 ExprF 实现支持归一化,只要这样:

data ExprF a
  = Atom Identifier
  | Cons a [a]
  deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic1)

instance ExactZip ExprF

就可以享受 Generics 了。等等,What? 还得给列表加 instance?不慌:

instance ExactZip []



dramforever 实在懒到一定程度了,需要你的帮助!


{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}

module Play
  ( ExactZip(..), MonadUFS, Var
  , fresh, record, report, unify
  , run
  ) where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Free
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Lens.Micro.GHC () -- Instances only
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable hiding (find)
import GHC.Generics

class ExactZip f where
  exactZip :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
  default exactZip :: (Generic1 f, ExactZip (Rep1 f)) => f a -> f b -> Maybe (f (a, b))
  exactZip x y = to1 <$> exactZip (from1 x) (from1 y)

instance ExactZip V1 where
  exactZip _ _ = error "exactZip on void type?"

instance ExactZip U1 where
  exactZip U1 U1 = Just U1

instance (ExactZip f, ExactZip g) => ExactZip (f :+: g) where
  exactZip (L1 x) (L1 y) = L1 <$> exactZip x y
  exactZip (R1 x) (R1 y) = R1 <$> exactZip x y
  exactZip _ _ = Nothing

instance (ExactZip f, ExactZip g) => ExactZip (f :*: g) where
  exactZip (x1 :*: y1) (x2 :*: y2)
    = liftA2 (:*:) (exactZip x1 x2) (exactZip y1 y2)

instance Eq c => ExactZip (K1 i c) where
  exactZip (K1 a) (K1 b)
    | a == b = Just (K1 a)
    | otherwise = Nothing

instance ExactZip f => ExactZip (M1 i c f) where
  exactZip (M1 u) (M1 v) = M1 <$> exactZip u v

instance ExactZip Par1 where
  exactZip (Par1 u) (Par1 v) = Just (Par1 (u, v))

instance ExactZip f => ExactZip (Rec1 f) where
  exactZip (Rec1 u) (Rec1 v) = Rec1 <$> exactZip u v

instance ExactZip []

newtype Var
  = Var T.Text
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Var where
  show (Var v) = "#" ++ T.unpack v

data UnionFindPointer f
  = Parent Var
  | Linked (f Var)

data UnionFindState f
  = UnionFindState
    { _ufsSupply :: [Var]
    , _ufsMap :: M.Map Var (UnionFindPointer f)

ufsMap :: Lens' (UnionFindState f) (M.Map Var (UnionFindPointer f))
ufsMap f_aj0N (UnionFindState x_aj0O x_aj0P)
  = fmap (\ y_aj0Q -> UnionFindState x_aj0O y_aj0Q) (f_aj0N x_aj0P)
{-# INLINE ufsMap #-}

ufsSupply :: Lens' (UnionFindState f) [Var]
ufsSupply f_aj0R (UnionFindState x_aj0S x_aj0T)
  = fmap (\ y_aj0U -> UnionFindState y_aj0U x_aj0T) (f_aj0R x_aj0S)
{-# INLINE ufsSupply #-}

type MonadUFS f m = MonadState (UnionFindState f) m

fresh :: MonadUFS f m => m Var
fresh = do
  ufsSupply %= tail
  head <$> use ufsSupply

find :: MonadUFS f m => Var -> m (Var, Maybe (f Var))
find u = locateRoot u >>= \(x, e) -> (x, e) <$ compressPath u x where
  locateRoot t =
    use (ufsMap . at t) >>= \case
      Just (Parent v) -> locateRoot v
      Just (Linked ex) -> pure (t, Just ex)
      Nothing -> pure (t, Nothing)
  compressPath t x = go t where
    go m
      | m == x = pure ()
      | otherwise = use (ufsMap . at m) >>= \case
          Just (Parent par) -> do
            ufsMap . at m .= Just (Parent x)
            go par
          _ -> error "Internal error: find: Can't happen!"

unify :: (Foldable f, ExactZip f, Alternative m, MonadUFS f m) => Var -> Var -> m ()
unify u1 v1 = do
  (xu, eu) <- find u1
  (xv, ev) <- find v1
  when (xu /= xv) $ case (eu, ev) of
    (Nothing, _) -> ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)
    (Just _, Nothing) -> ufsMap . at xv .= Just (Parent xu)
    (Just p, Just q) -> case exactZip p q of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just ex -> do
        for_ ex (uncurry unify)
        ufsMap . at xu .= Just (Parent xv)

record :: (Traversable f, MonadUFS f m) => Free f Var -> m Var
record = iterA go where
  go f = do
    u <- sequence f
    v <- fresh
    ufsMap . at v .= Just (Linked u)
    pure v

report :: (Traversable f, MonadUFS f m) => Var -> m (Free f Var)
report = unfoldM go where
  go v = find v >>= \case
    (u, Nothing) -> pure (Left u)
    (_, Just t) -> pure (Right t)

run :: StateT (UnionFindState f) Maybe a
    -> Maybe a
run s = evalStateT s (UnionFindState vars M.empty) where
  vars =
    let u = "" : liftA2 (flip (:)) u ['A'..'Z']
    in map (Var . T.pack) u
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Expr where

import Data.String
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics

import Control.Applicative
import Play

newtype Identifier
  = Identifier { getIdentifier :: T.Text }
  deriving (IsString, Eq)

instance Show Identifier where
  show (Identifier u) = T.unpack u

data ExprF a
  = Atom Identifier
  | Cons a [a]
  deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic1)

instance ExactZip ExprF

type PartialExpr = Free ExprF Var
type UnionFindExpr = ExprF Var

printPartial :: PartialExpr -> String
printPartial = iter go . fmap show where
  go (Atom d) = show d
  go (Cons x xs) = x ++ "[" ++ intercalate "," xs ++ "]"

instance Show u => Show (ExprF u) where
  show (Atom (Identifier u)) = T.unpack u
  show (Cons x xs) = show x ++ "[" ++ intercalate "," (show <$> xs) ++ "]"

atom :: Identifier -> PartialExpr
atom = Free . Atom

cons :: PartialExpr -> [PartialExpr] -> PartialExpr
cons u v = Free (Cons u v)

instance IsString PartialExpr where
  fromString = atom . fromString

a1, a2 :: MonadUFS f m => m PartialExpr

-- f[#A, u[#B], #C]
a1 = do
  a <- fresh
  b <- fresh
  c <- fresh
  pure $ cons "f" [pure a, cons "u" [pure b], pure c]

-- #D[#E, #F, #G[v]]
a2 = do
  d <- fresh
  e <- fresh
  f <- fresh
  g <- fresh
  pure $ cons (pure d) [pure e, pure f, cons (pure g) ["v"]]

test :: (Alternative m, MonadUFS ExprF m) => m PartialExpr
test = do
  e1 <- a1
  e2 <- a2
  x <- record e1
  y <- record e2
  unify x y
  report x

-- ghci> let Right u = run (printPartial <$> test) in putStrLn u
-- f[#E,u[#B],#G[v]]
-- Note: The variable names are generated automatically. As you can see
-- the definitions of a1 and a2 do not specify names.